“The New Answers Book 1” by Ken Ham is the first in a series of books aimed at giving biblical proofs for creation over evolution, and answering difficult questions people have about the origins of our planet. Ken Ham, the president and CEO of “Answers in Genesis” compiles a list of relatable questions such as “Is There Really a God?”, “What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?”, and “Hasn’t Evolution Been Proven True?” and gives biblical, fact-based arguments to create persuasive arguments. Ken Ham and the various authors involved in this series do a good job of making difficult topics and difficult proofs accessible to anyone, while preserving the rigor of the argument. There are illustrations and comparisons to common things in our world that help the reader understand the argument and make sense of the comparisons made. This is a logical, straight-forward book that will challenge your thinking no matter what your perspective is on the world and where it came from.