It is hard to keep up with all of the issues and question we are confronted with these days. This series has a focus on questions raised by science and is built around just the kinds of questions parents might get asked by curious children. Trying to balance science and faith can be daunting for many and this series will help with answering many of the questions. Common questions like, “How did dinosaurs fit into the Ark? and “Where does the ice age fit? or “What is radioisotope dating?” are dealt with by contributing scientists. I would say that this series is written clearly and understandably for most everyone. Yet it deals with some issues that we as believers need to face and have a grasp of if we are to live out our faith in this culture. Or even if our children are just fascinated by dinosaurs.

Underneath the science behind all of these questions is the foundation of the authority and truthfulness of Scripture. All of the questions help us see how the responses reveal the accuracy and power of God’s Word. Take time to read through this series. You will find it worthwhile!