Podcast: Following God's Lead (Life as a Military Chaplain)

In this podcast, Dr. Skinner talks with John Kenyon, retired Chaplain, Lt Col, USAF. John shares about following the Lord's leading to become a Chaplain and some of his experiences in the military. He also shares a little bit about his current journey in seeking the Lord/following His lead to become a Colson fellow and what that journey has been like for him so far.

Listen to the podcast now

The Early Church & Their Thoughts About Christmas

Help your family celebrate Christmas, with a historical twist, by looking at the early church's thoughts about Christmas.

In this podcast Dr. Ricketts and Dr. Skinner explore some of the current trends to help families stay focused on Christ’s birth at Christmas. They will take a look at some thoughts of the historical and early church surrounding Christmas celebrations and how/why/where some of them developed.

Listen to the podcast now.

Explaining Grace to a Child

God’s grace truly is amazing. Instead of giving us the punishment we deserve, Jesus laid down His life for our sins. Instead of condemning us, He freed us from sin’s grip on our lives. We absolutely don’t deserve that. And we can do nothing to earn it. As Christian parents, we are so grateful for the grace of God, and we want our kids to understand it, too. Explaining grace to a child is one of the biggest things you will do as a parent. We want them to accept the salvation Christ freely offers.

In the second chapter of Romans, the apostle Paul talks about what draws people to Jesus. After describing all the things people have done to reject God, he asks, “Do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?” (Romans 2:4, emphasis added). Read More

Feeling Like a Failure....?

We all have felt like a failure at some point in time. If that's you right now, consider taking 11 minutes of your time to listen to Big Daddy Weave talk about the story behind the song "Redeemed." His story brings great perspective for us when we simply cannot find a way to feel good about ourselves. Let this encourage you to see yourself the way God sees you.....He sees you as loved and redeemed, and He's not done with you yet. 


Pastors Rejecting Therapy

According to research conducted by Barna across 25 countries, 40% of adults ages 18-35 struggle with anxiety, loneliness, and isolation. Many of these young people who are plagued by mental health concerns sit in our pews at church every weekend. 

Nevertheless, many Christians, including some influential pastors, are not only suspicious of mental health interventions such as medication and therapy, but actively campaign against them. Read More