10 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Therapist

Having good rapport with a therapist is the most important factor in determining the outcome of therapy. The therapist should have formal training and certification and be licensed in your state. In general, the therapist should be able to describe the merits and drawbacks of different types of treatment, including ones he or she doesn’t offer. The therapist should also let you know how he or she will monitor your progress. Continue reading to find out what questions you should ask as you consider working with a therapist....Read More

Alcohol Is No Longer The Most Abused Drug by American Children

The youth of America are abusing booze less and weed more, according to a new study that looked at two decades of data on teens and school-aged children who wound up seeking medical care after taking various substances.

Adolescent cannabis abuse has increased by a whopping 245 percent in the US since 2000, the new research finds, with a particularly dramatic rise occurring in just the past few years.

At the same time, rates of alcohol abuse have declined among those aged between 6 and 18 years. Back in 2000, alcohol was in the top spot on the rather worrying list compiled from a US national poisons database, which records information on calls to poison helplines. Now, it sits in third place...Read More