Are you ready to take your parenting to the next level with your teens? If so, we encourage you to check out The One Conversation Model by AxisInstead of trying to keep up with the thousands of conversations our culture is having with your kids, think about it like you’re having one continuous, lifetime conversation. This conversation includes a lot of different topics, but they’re all connected. The goal isn’t to simply have “the sex talk,” “the gender talk,” “the mental health talk,” and “the drugs talk,” as if you’re ticking lectures off a list. The One Conversation journey is about keeping the door open, so one topic can flow into the next. 

Axis provides resources to bring you closer to having sincere, open, and honest conversations with your kids. After all, the best way to understand each other and build your relationship is to keep the conversation going. On their site you can find:

  • information on pop culture - what's new in movies, music, social media, etc. and potentially impacting your kids
  • guides to help you dig deeper with your kids when it comes to topics like mental health, bullying, technology, etc.
  • their parenting podcast
  • video series that you and your kids can watch together and discussion guides that go along with the content in the videos
  • and more great parenting content
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