Mission to Salt Lake City, Utah - 2001

     In February of 2001, fifteen CCS high school students and Miss Clyn Black (their teacher) went on a mission trip to Salt Lake City, Utah. The focus of the trip was Mormonism and witnessing to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

     We flew into Salt Lake City and were met by our contacts who took us to a camp north of the city where we spent four days and nights. The temperature was in the teens, and the snow was several feet deep.

     Each day we went into Temple Square and spoke with people who were Latter Day Saints members and shared our faith. We also were able to go to a Christian school and present a message in song and drama to students there. Another highlight was going to a Latter Day Saints church and seeing how their services are conducted. The lessons and opportunities students had on the trip were invaluable.