The words in each center job description which identifies the attributes of Christian character can be a very subjective thing. Because of that, we have attempted to define the characteristics and qualities that are consistent with the ministry of the Center. It is important to understand that in doing this, we are not attempting to legislate morality, or otherwise create "litmus test" kinds of qualities. Rather, we are attempting to convey the essential qualities an individual must have in terms of the heart of what we are attempting to do here in service to God.

            Realizing that we all come from a variety of backgrounds, and our unity comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the following characteristics are our understanding of the scriptural directives regarding godly character and apply to all employees, staff, Board of directors and leadership team members.

            Because we are all growing in our walk with God each of us will be at different levels of maturity and commitment to these values. This means that these character traits are becoming standards we are all working toward and not necessarily something we have achieved. Some individual characteristics may be more essential than others to fulfill your job description. Supervisors will work with employees to help identify strategies and goal areas they may need to work on.


            Each individual must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (John 3:16) as their Lord and Savior, and that relationship must be growing and dynamic; characterized and evidenced by daily dependence upon Him for guidance and direction. This faith should be reflected through involvement in the local church on a regular and consistent basis.

            This faith must be based on an understanding of God's Word as infallible (Acts 16:31-33). This faith should be a practical tool used to understand more about ourselves, others, and God. Prayer and devotions must be a daily function of each individual in order to remain in this ministry position.

            Recognizing ourselves as having a sinful nature causes us to take responsibility for our own faults / sins rather than focusing on another persons issues. A heart repenting of sin (Acts 2:38) and confessing of sin (Matthew 10:32) helps keep staff in a right relationship with God and with others as well (II Corinthians 5:17).

            This personal faith must be shared with others in direct and concrete ways. Staff members must learn how to use Scripture to share God's principles with others. The ability to identify various world-views, and to understand them from a biblical perspective is very important in this process.


            Being in the Center's ministry carries responsibilities that go beyond personal faith issues. Your personal faith / walk is reflected in what you do as well as how that relates to and influences others under your care. Because of this, a desire to be like Christ is essential in decision making, personal choices, and your daily walk. An attitude of service to others, rather than ourselves, needs to be displayed in both actions and words. This motivation must be out of a true love for God (I John 4:7-8), as well as a love and concern for those you work with and serve.

            Relationally, there are several actions that are clearly destructive to a worker's heart such as; gossip, accusing remarks, and unwillingness to work out conflict. The principles described in Matthew 18 must be applied to conflict in relationships. This involves attempting to work out problems individually (not ignoring the problem) first, then going to a supervisor if the conflict is not satisfactorily resolved and finally, corporately addressing the matter.  Employees must be willing to submit to their supervisors' leadership in this area.  Employees that see themselves as not being able to work under the leadership of their supervisors will not be tolerated and will be dismissed from the Center. 

            Although work at the Center is very demanding as well as very rewarding, you must have a primary commitment to your family in terms of time and energy. This conveys to those we minister to that we have a great love and investment in our own families. Although there may be seasons of extra investment, it must be short term and not the norm. It is equally important that your spouse and children are supportive of your calling by God to the Center.


            Because of your position at the Center, you will be a role model and are expected to display Christian characteristics and attributes in your life and work. You need to recognize and accept the level of influence you have over others. Some of the characteristics and attributes that are more noticeable in a service organization such as ours include:

            ?           Setting a good example (Romans 14:2, I Timothy 3:1-7)


            ?           Being joyful, and finding joy in serving the Lord at the Center (II Corinthians 13:11)


            ?           Being a willing helper to others as well as a hard worker who is diligent (Romans 12:11)


            ?           Free from addictions to cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs and does not model their use in any way


            ?           Demonstrate a willingness and desire to grow spiritually and personally


            ?           Obeys all laws (Romans 13:1)


            Working at the Center requires an ownership to its vision. Several areas must be consistent in order for you to successfully work here:


            ?           You must be committed to Biblical family values


            ?           You must have a commitment to Christian education


            ?           You must have a commitment to this community, and the population the Center serves


            ?           You must have a commitment to the sanctity of human life


            ?           You must recognize that your faith must be placed in God and not the Center


            ?           You must know that the Lord will provide for the Center in all ways


            ?           You must be willing to be a team player rather than an individual doing your own thing. Cooperativeness, communication, and mutual respect are essential skills in being able to rely on others rather than yourself in a team role


            ?           You must have a submissive spirit to those in authority over you


            ?           You must have a willingness to identify your own weaknesses, be willing to establish goal areas in those weaknesses, and you must be willing to work diligently on those goal areas in order to grow both personally and spiritually


REVISED: November 6, 2000