POSITION: Board of Directors Member

Mission of Board Members:

          To be spiritual leaders in the Center, to seek God's will and direction for the Center, and to take responsibility for the establishment, guidance, and spiritual headship. The Board is the policy setting body of the Center, with the administrative team having the responsibility for the implementation of the Board's policies. The authority of the Board is corporate, with individual members having responsibilities only as authorized by the Board as a whole.


Members of the board shall:


          A.       Know Jesus Christ as their personal savior and daily accept Him as Lord

          B.       Be in full agreement with the Center’s mission statement, the statement of faith, and the goals and objectives

          C.       Be active and in good standing in the church

          D.       Exemplify a life of faith and loyalty to the Word of God

          E.       Understand the cause of Christian education and Christian social service

          F.       Have personal integrity and the ability to work with others

          G.       Be willing and able to make sacrifices of their time, knowledge and resources for the benefit of the Center

          H.       Be a willing learner and be able to discern difficult issues including personnel, finances and planning, among others

          I.        Be willing to resolve conflict within the Board and within the Center under God's directive in Matthew 18



          A.       Establish the policies of the Center

          B.       Hire qualified administrators, faculty, and staff

          C.       Set salary schedules for the administration, faculty, and staff

          D.       Nominate candidates for the Board and appoint members to the other leadership teams at the Center

          E.       Set and monitor the annual balanced budget and the annual plan

          F.       Monitor income and expenditures against the budget and take corrective action if needed

          G.       Maintain open communications with the Center staff, community and friends

          H.       Provide vision for the future of the Center

          I.        In summary, exercise final authority in the operation of the Center and in all matters directed by the By-Laws



          A.       Pray faithfully for the school

          B.       Attend meetings of the Board

          C.       Serve actively on assigned committees

          D.       Give consideration and prayer to Board issues

          E.       Actively promote the Center within the community

          F.       Voice opinions at Board meetings

          G.       Give and urge others to give as God enables

          H.       Keep Board issues confidential

          I.        Willingly serve in leadership capacities

          J.        Make or change policies as needed for smooth operation of the Center ministries

          K.       Understand the importance of why you have been asked to serve on the Board, and make your particular expertise, contacts, resources known as accessible

          L.       Fulfill all requirements of Leadership policies such as Annual leadership responsibilities, Christian Character, and all others

          M.      Assist in the recruitment of volunteers and committee members to augment board

          N.       Contribute to fund-raising projects and events through personal contributions and/or by generating support from friends and other contacts.

          O.       Function as a goodwill ambassador and spokesperson for the Center and its programs. Expand the Center’s network through friends, relatives and colleagues who can help meet needs in such areas as fund-raising, public relations, education, and other areas as necessary

          P.       Stay well-informed about the Center’s business by carefully reading minutes of the Board meetings, financial statements and other materials. Take seriously the legal, fiscal and ethical responsibility the Board carries. Notice community activities and legal/political developments, etc. which may impact on the Center and its programs and bring them up at Board meetings. Be familiar with the by-laws.

          Q.       Once Board consensus is reached on a policy or program be openly supportive even if you disagree during approval process. If you cannot support Board actions or policies once approved, resign.

ADOPTED: May 16, 1997