Christian Family & Children's Center


Center Holiday Information

We strive to maintain a Christian Perspective in the celebration of various holidays. However, it is not our policy to undermine the way your family celebrates holidays. As a school, couseling center, and ministry to families, it is our conviction that most holidays have a root in Christian practices and we try to discover and celebrate that original meaning. For example, we focus on Christ's birth as the message of Christmas, God's love for each other as we celebrate Valentine's Day, Christ's resurrection as we discuss Easter, the evangelization of Ireland and history of St. Patrick for St. Patrick's day, and a Fall Alternative in the fall as an alternative to Halloween due to its satanic nature. Click on the links below on this page to find out more about our holiday focuses.

North Campus
Donegal, PA 15628
(724) 593-9200
South Campus
Indian Head, PA 15446
(724) 455-2122